Alfred Downing Fripp (surgeon)

Sir Alfred Downing Fripp K.C.V.O. (12 September 1865 - 1930) was a surgeon at Guy's Hospital, London.

He was born in Dorset, the son of the artist Alfred Downing Fripp. His godfather was royal tutor John Neale Dalton. After studying at the Merchant Taylors' School in London, he took up medicine, and during the Boer War he worked in South Africa as chief medical officer of the Imperial Yeomanry Hospital, Deelfontein. He was knighted in 1903.

In 1897, Sir Alfred was appointed "Surgeon in Ordinary" to the Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, and performed the same service for his successor, King George V. On his retirement in 1925, he had a house designed for him in Lulworth, Dorset, by Sir Edwin Lutyens.

A grateful patient founded a drinking club called the Ancient Order of Froth Blowers in 1924 to raise money for charity work conducted by Sir Alfred; Fripp devoted much time after his retirement to promoting the organisation and dispensing the funds raised. He died, and is buried, in Lulworth.
